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4 Dumbbell Exercises to Improve Your Vertical Jump

When training to improve your vertical leap, knowing how to best use the tools you have available is a vital part of the process. You should not only learn the movements and how to do them from a form standpoint, but you should also know what each movement is trying to get you to accomplish—is it to get your hamstrings and glutes stronger? Are you feeling it there or are you feeling your back do the work? With any movement, spending the time learning what the desired change you are trying to get out of it will go a long way. That knowledge will help you dial in your positions, adjust the tempo, and get the most out of each...

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Vertical Jump Training For The Older Athlete: Is It Too Late?

Jumping higher and getting more athletic doesn’t have to stop after high school or college! People tend to think of their athletic prime as “back in high school” or maybe mid/late 20’s for those who stayed active.What if I told you that you could keep getting more athletic well past the “prime” years. How do I know? Well for starters I’ve done it myself. In my late 30’s now I am still far more athletic than I was in my early 20’s or especially high school.When you hear “pro dunker” or hall of fame basketball player, you probably don’t picture a guy that was one of only 2 guys on his senior year varsity high school team that couldn’t dunk....

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3 Exercises to Increase Your Vertical at Home

You want to jump like your favorite athlete, but you don’t have access to the weight room and all of the tools pro athletes may have at their disposal? Well today I am going to cover a few things you can do to make steps towards that goal right from your home. You won’t need anything other than some space and a great attitude. I won’t lie, we always recommend an approach that includes the weight room when it comes to getting more athletic. However, you can still improve many aspects of your athleticism when that’s just not an option. A few of these great options will get you on the path to flying high. Lunges First up is lunges....

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Amplify Your Vertical Jump Power With Weight Training And Plyometrics

When searching for ways to increase your vertical jump, you will undoubtedly read about plyometrics and weight training. Some will argue about why you should focus one one or the other. Smarter resources will speak to the value of both in an athletes training, as they are both great tools to help you jump higher. Even better coaches will recognize that they are both pieces of a complete 360 degree training approach that will lead to maximum results. Weight Training The why for weight training is a simple concept. As you get stronger you have more strength to use, and strength via force is proven to be a variable to directly contributes to you jumping higher. The limitations of why...

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4 Tips to Improve Your Vertical Jump in Volleyball

Do you want your vertical jump to be at an elite level, compete with the best of the best in volleyball? Well if you want to improve your vertical jump you will need to train to an elite level too. With the right approach to training and consistency you can improve your vertical jump to compete with the elite. Like developing any new skills it doesn’t happen overnight, it requires dedication and hard work. Here are the tips which if you apply will improve your vertical jump and over time surpass the goals you had set in the first place: 1. Build Strength and Stability   We want to build a better foundation here. The more stable the foundation, the...

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